The Mighty Gargoyle
Hepkats - an original sitcom
Getting Lucky
Voodoo Train!
Sitcom Teleplay:
At Christmas, we should deck the halls... not each other!
9 men, 7 women
Screenplay excerpt: "Hellionz"
Not another teen vampire movie!
Stage Play  excerpt:
"Getting Lucky"
So this leprechaun walks into a bar...
4 men, 2 women
Screenplay short:
"Voodoo Train"
Heaps of trouble when this train pulls into town!
Candy is Dandy
Short Play:
"Candy is Dandy"
Variation on "Hansel & Gretel," but not for children...
Playscript excerpt:
"The Blood Queen"
Mina Harker's back from the dead, and ready to partay.
8 men, 4 women
For information about production rights, contact Matt at mighty_gargoyle @ yahoo. com
Getting Lucky and other select works are available for purchase at

Content copyright 2009 The Mighty Gargoyle. All rights reserved.